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Miesbach Kammermusikfestival e.V.

Hohendilching 3, 83626 Valley

DE49 7116 0000 0002 3508 40

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Eingetragen als gemeinnütziger Verein im Handelsregister München (VR208884)

Was wird mit der Spende unterstützt?

  • Musiker





  • Musik



The first Miesbach Kammermusik Festival was so extraordinary that I've found it hard to put into words. The directors not only created a world class chamber music festival, but they did so quickly and during a time when it was almost impossible to organize, play, or perform chamber music in person due to the COVID pandemic. […] The outstanding scenery provided a lot of inspiration, and the entire community embraced us in every way possible. […] It was one of the best weeks of my life and I can't wait to go back!

— Usha Kapoor, USA (Violinistin 2021)