Japanese violist Otoha Tabata performs internationally and across Europe and has appeared as soloist at the Wigmore Hall, the Concertgebouw, and the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Recently she received 3rd Prize at the Windsor Festival International String Competition, Promotion Prize at the Anton Rubinstein Viola Competition, and an Honorary Mention at the Oskar Nedbal Viola Competition.

Otoha has been invited to perform in festivals including Heidelberger Frühling, IMS Prussia Cove Open Chamber Music and Four Seasons Music Festival’s Winter Workshop where she collaborated with artists such as Ani Kavafian, Ara Gregorian and Kwan Yi. She is a regular participant at the Seiji Ozawa International Academy and the Verbier Festival Academy, where she received the Special Prize of Merit in 2021. From 2022, she will be a scholar of the Villa Musica Chamber Music Academy in Germany. Having been inspired by the Benedetti Foundation’s educational projects, she was selected as Ambassador by Nicola Benedetti to participate in the Benedetti Sessions London.

As a member of the renowned LGT Young Soloists, she performs in numerous concert tours around the world and recording CD albums. Most recently she recorded Paganini La Campanella with the ensemble in Abbey Road Studios, and recorded a new CD album in Teldex Studios to be released in 2023.

At the age of 10 she entered the Yehudi Menuhin School, supported by scholarship and the Music and Dance Scheme. Otoha previously studied with Boris Kucharsky and Andriy Viytovych and currently studies with Nathan Braude at the Royal College of Music London, where she has gained a full scholarship as a Richard & Susan Jarvis Award Holder. She is proud to have been supported by the Wolfson Foundation and Drake Calleja Trust, and is a “Talent Unlimited” artist in the UK. Currently she is supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs “Programme of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists”, Government of Japan. Otoha performs on a Charles Boullangier viola, kindly loaned by the Royal College of Music.

Otoha Tabata | Viola, Japan