Jordi Carrasco Hjelm | Kontrabass, Sweden

Jordi Carrasco Hjelm is a Swedish double bass player working with chamber music and improvisation. He lives in the Netherlands where he is a core member of the Asko Schönberg ensemble who are leading in the field of contemporary music and collaborates with composers from around the world premiering new works on their home stage Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ in Amsterdam.

He is an original member of the O/Modernt Chamber Orchestra led by the violinist Hugo Ticciati. The ensemble consists of chamber musicians from all over Europe and plays regularly in the Wigmore Hall in London where they are ensemble in residence in 2024 as well as in different series and festivals across Europe.  

As a passionate advocate for free improvisation on stages for classical music and for chamber music as an inherently improvisational form he has performed in many European chamber music festivals such as the Oxford Chamber Music Festival, Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival Utrecht, Felix! Festival Köln, Ghent Festival, Miesbach Kammermusik festival, KMF Eibergen, KMF Sylt and most notably as a regular guest in Musikdorf Ernen in Switzerland. 

In 2024 he is especially looking forward to the release of a new album recording of the complete trio sonatas of the baroque composer Jan Dismas Zelenka and a new piece by Tonia Ko together with a.o. Olivier Stankiewicz and Theo Plat for the label Challenge Records.

Jordi is a multifaceted freelance musician and has been a guest player with a diverse set of ensembles such as the Oculi Ensemble (UK), the location-based improvisation concept Buro Nieuw Perspectief (NL), LUDWIG (NL), Matthew Barley Ensemble (UK), Arte Frizzante (CH), Stuttgarter  Kammerorchester (DE), Radio Philharmonisch Orkest (NL), the Swedish Radio Orchestra, and has played with a wide array of internationally renowned musicians including Priya Mitchel, Maria Wloszczowska, Julian Arp, Gwilym Simcock, Luke Hsu, Ema Nikolovska and Abel Selacoe.

He studied classical double bass with Rick Stotijn and Olivier Thiery and finished his studies in Conservatorium van Amsterdam with a Masters degree in improvisation studying with the jazz violinist Tim Kliphuis.