Brandon Garbot | Violin, USA

Brandon Garbot | Violin, USA

Brandon Garbot has appeared in solo and chamber performances in venues including Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall, Severance Hall, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Hall, the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, the Kennedy Center, and in Tainan, Taiwan. He has soloed with the Oregon Symphony, Jefferson Symphony, and on tour with the Curtis Chamber Orchestra. 

Mr. Garbot is a substitute violinist with the Pittsburgh Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, and has been a guest musician with the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra and on tour with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. As a chamber musician, he has performed and collaborated with members the Artemis and Belcea Quartets, as well as Shmuel Ashkenasi, Timothy Eddy, Viviane Hagner, Hsin-Yun Huang, Ivan Monighetti, Steven Tenenbom, and Jason Vieaux. He has been invited to perform at festivals including the Music@Menlo International Program, Taos, Ravinia’s Steans Institute, Chamber Music Northwest, Krzyzowa-Music Festival, Gstaad Academy, Perlman Music Program, Rheingau Musik Festival, and Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. He was also invited to participate in the inaugural Chamber Music Encounters of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in 2016. 

Mr. Garbot’s performances have been featured on APM’s Performance Today and WHYY’s On Stage at Curtis. Brandon Garbot received his Bachelor of Music degree studying violinists Ida Kavafian and Arnold Steinhardt at the Curtis Institute of Music. His previous mentors have included Catherine Cho, Ani Kavafian, Itzhak Perlman, and William Preucil.